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No Option of Recharge from DBBL Nexus Pay

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N@k!bby: N@k!b
April 2, 2020 9:02PM

Why isn't Skitto making an agreement with DBBL to add recharge option from Nexus Pay? It's the only operator that hasn’t yet made it on Nexus Pay's recharge option list.
  • Mothiby: Mothi


    N@k!b said:
    Why isn't Skitto making an agreement with DBBL to add recharge option from Nexus Pay? It's the only operator that hasn’t yet made it on Nexus Pay's recharge option list.

    up vote 0
  • Mothiby: Mothi


    N@k!b said:
    Why isn't Skitto making an agreement with DBBL to add recharge option from Nexus Pay? It's the only operator that hasn’t yet made it on Nexus Pay's recharge option list.

    up vote 0
  • Saddam Talukderby: Saddam Talukder


    up vote 0
  • N@k!bby: N@k!b


    And I don’t know where to complain about this!
    up vote 0